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Dredoffff rating agency 

Operating organization:shanghai sngkon(shangqiang) environment technology co.,ltd

Mr. Xu, the legal person of the company, is a professor and vice president of the Chinese Society of Business Economics. The biography of WHO's WHO celebrities with a history of 100 years in the United States lists Mr. Xu as the top 5% of scientists in the world since 100 years ago (please search for XIANMIN XU in Google or BING for verification); It is a company listed on the Hong Kong Third Board Market (HKOTC) with the code HK2620, abbreviated as "墒抢环境技术Shangqiang Environment Technology"; The company, along with Huawei and State Grid Corporation of China, is a member of the United Nations Global Compact - link to the United Nations website https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/147391-Shanghai-Sangkon-Environment-Technology-Co-Ltd

Dredofff environmental ratings help you identify harmful climate and environmental factors, including 5 major projects and 100 climate and environmental parameters.


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